Ambrotose® Complex Improves Brain Function
Clinical Studies of Ambrotose Complex on the Human Brain
The first study, conducted at the University of Arkansas, investigated the effects of Ambrotose complex on brainwaves. In this placebo-controlled crossover study, standard brainwaves of healthy college students were measured before and after a single ingestion of Ambrotose complex. The investigators concluded that Ambrotose complex enhanced brainwaves associated with improved information processing and alertness.¹*A second study was conducted at Howard University in Washington, D.C to investigate further the effects of Ambrotose complex on brain function. This was also a placebo-controlled study in healthy college students. The participants had standardized measurements of concentration, mental reaction time and memory measured before and after a single ingestion of Ambrotose complex. The Ambrotose complex group performed significantly better than the placebo group, conclusively documenting the benefits of Ambrotose complex on brain function.²*
The third study, also placebo-controlled and conducted at Flinders University in Australia, investigated the effects of Ambrotose complex on brain function and also mood in middle-aged adults aged 45 to 60. The older population was studied because this is the age group where brain function naturally starts to decline, something known as age-related cognitive decline. A second difference in this study was the administration of the product at two tsp. daily over twelve weeks, more in keeping with normal nutritional intake. The Ambrotose group performed significantly better in tests of recognition and memory and also scored significantly lower in measures of depression and anger.³* The investigators concluded that Ambrotose complex is beneficial in optimizing cognitive function with age.*
Other clinical studies and experimental investigations have suggested that carbohydrates are involved in the cellular mechanisms for memory formation and mood.¹* Ambrotose complex is a nutritional product derived from natural food-sourced carbohydrates; these studies provide conclusive evidence, in well-controlled international clinical studies, that it safely enhances brain function in both young and old age groups.* Since everyone has a brain, the benefits of Ambrotose complex are plain for all to see.*
Check out these and other studies on the website
Dr. Stephen Boyd is a paid consultant for Mannatech, Incorporated.
¹Wang C, et al, Integr Physiol Behav Sci, 2004;39:126–138.
²Stancil AN, et al, Perceptual Mot Skill, 2009;10:259–270.
³Best T, et al, Developmental Neuropsychology, 2010;35(1):66.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease