Mannatech Review: Now What? The buzzword is Real Food Technology Solutions. Regardless of the name, when the scientists at Mannatech discovered the molecule in the Aloe Vera plant that gives that plant such a rich history of promoting wellness it was just the beginning of a whole cascade of interesting events. They not only found a way to stabilize that molecule for the first time in history and file patents, they soon realized they had a tiger by the tail.In the animal world it’s said that the larger the animal the longer the gestation period. For humans that is a nine month period and for elephants it’s about eighteen months. For Mannatech to give birth to its technology it has taken years, and maybe that’s because of the significance of the discovery. It’s BIG
They have had their share of obstacles and at times the frustration has been intense. The reason is best understood in a Mannatech review of the process of proving its premise. The premise is: the ingestion of plant saccharides like Mannose, fucose and others has an effect on the body especially in the area of the immune system, brain function, memory, and digestion.
What made this a little crazy and unbelievable to the general scientific community; not to mention the public; is the fact that we’re talking about plant sugars. This was a departure from previous understanding of the role sugars played in the body. They don’t all do what you think they do. Mannatech was on the cutting edge of breakthrough technology pioneering uncharted territory and had a lot of work ahead of it.
It’s hard to prove this stuff. It takes time to back up your hypothesis with clinical studies that are acceptable to the scientific community. These studies take time, sometimes years. In the meantime every Tom, Dick and Harry who feels threatened by the prospects of a company having PATENTS on this breakthrough technology, wants to disprove, destroy, or otherwise discredit the idea. Those types came at Mannatech with a vengeance.
To make matters worse; at least for the detractors; but better for Mannatech, not only did Mannatech have the first patent on the stabilized component of the Aloe Vera plant but they noticed there were 7 other plant saccharides that also had a beneficial and often crucial effect on wellness and they had the brilliant idea of patenting a compound of these plant saccharides as well. They called it Ambrotose and that was in 1996.
This understanding of how plant saccharides effect the body has spawned a new scientific field of study called Glycobiology and substances like Ambrotose are referred to as Glyconutgrients. Now Universities around the world are studying the effects of these saccharides on health and wellness.
The review of Mannatechs work shows that university studies prove the ingestion of these sugars via diet does have a positive, beneficial effect in the body. These sugars DO get into the body and do their work, they are necessary, diet does matter, and you don’t get them in our modern diet in necessary amounts.
The Review Concludes
In September of 2009 at the 9th Annual Jenner Glycobiology and Medicine Symposium held in Brussels, two presentations on Ambrotose were made to over 100 of the worlds leading researchers in glycobiology and medicine.
This is no small feat given the fact that just 3 years prior the negative publicity was huge. What does all this mean? It means that when BIG discoveries are made people in the field, people like you and me, often feel or notice the benefit immediately, but the scientific evidence takes time to catch up. The medical community is even further behind the science community.
A Mannatech’s Review shows that the company has certainly turned the important corner of scientific proof and validation. What was once a theory is now a proven reality! They are beginning to understand how and why these things work.
This will have a huge impact on wellness as the medical community learns about these products, recognizes them as beneficial in helping maintain health and wellness in a truly integrative approach to wellness. Today this Real Food Technology Solutions is being used and benefiting people around the world.
It is evident that it’s a new day at Mannatech and the best is still ahead. They are now employing their cutting edge technology to address the problem of undernurishment and malnurishment in children around the world thru a unique donation thru consumption program.
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