Friday, October 28, 2011

Ambrotose Complex Improves Brain Function

Ambrotose® Complex Improves Brain Function

Dr. Stephen Boyd
The brain is an exceedingly complex structure, a vital component of the central nervous system that is essential for life. It is well known that nutrition, especially early nutrition, plays a key role in the development and function of the brain. This being so, it would be expected that appropriate nutritional supplementation, one of the ‘three pillars of health’ published in 2010 on their “Life…Supplemented” website by the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), should be able to document a positive impact on brain function. Mannatech, Incorporated took up that challenge and has supported not one but three human clinical studies that investigated the impact of Ambrotose complex on the human brain.

Clinical Studies of Ambrotose Complex on the Human Brain

The first study, conducted at the University of Arkansas, investigated the effects of Ambrotose complex on brainwaves.  In this placebo-controlled crossover study, standard brainwaves of healthy college students were measured before and after a single ingestion of Ambrotose complex. The investigators concluded that Ambrotose complex enhanced brainwaves associated with improved information processing and alertness.¹*
A second study was conducted at Howard University in Washington, D.C to investigate further the effects of Ambrotose complex on brain function. This was also a placebo-controlled study in healthy college students. The participants had standardized measurements of concentration, mental reaction time and memory measured before and after a single ingestion of Ambrotose complex. The Ambrotose complex group performed significantly better than the placebo group, conclusively documenting the benefits of Ambrotose complex on brain function.²*
The third study, also placebo-controlled and conducted at Flinders University in Australia, investigated the effects of Ambrotose complex on brain function and also mood in middle-aged adults aged 45 to 60. The older population was studied because this is the age group where brain function naturally starts to decline, something known as age-related cognitive decline. A second difference in this study was the administration of the product at two tsp. daily over twelve weeks, more in keeping with normal nutritional intake. The Ambrotose group performed significantly better in tests of recognition and memory and also scored significantly lower in measures of depression and anger.³* The investigators concluded that Ambrotose complex is beneficial in optimizing cognitive function with age.*
Other clinical studies and experimental investigations have suggested that carbohydrates are involved in the cellular mechanisms for memory formation and mood.¹* Ambrotose complex is a nutritional product derived from natural food-sourced carbohydrates; these studies provide conclusive evidence, in well-controlled international clinical studies, that it safely enhances brain function in both young and old age groups.* Since everyone has a brain, the benefits of Ambrotose complex are plain for all to see.*
Check out these and other studies on the website
Dr. Stephen Boyd is a paid consultant for Mannatech, Incorporated.
¹Wang C, et al, Integr Physiol Behav Sci, 2004;39:126–138.
²Stancil AN, et al, Perceptual Mot Skill, 2009;10:259–270.
³Best T, et al, Developmental Neuropsychology, 2010;35(1):66.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ending World Hunger & Give For Real and be the answer to prayer that so many people around the world are crying out for. The Lord hears the cry of the poor.  The worst thing you can do for the poor people is to be one of them as you can't always help them.  We can literally End World Hunger at no cost to any of us.  Let me know if you want to learn more at or and let me show you how you can help. 

End World Hunger & Giving Changes Everything: Finding your Life Purpose? Check this out and be a part of Changing the World one child at a time. 

End World Hunger, lets join hands and together as One Body of Christ, we can do this!!!

The Hard Facts on Hunger
  • 36.2 million Americans— including 12.4 million children— don’t have access to enough healthy food to thrive. They are food insecure and at risk of hunger.1
  • 10.9 million children under 5 die in developing countries each year. Malnutrition and hungerrelated diseases cause 60 percent of the deaths.2
  • It is estimated that 684,000 child deaths worldwide could be prevented by increasing access to vitamin A and zinc.3
1 Household Food Security in the United States, 2007; U.S.D.A. Economic Research Service, November 2008
2The State of the World’s Children, UNICEF, 2007
3 WFP Annual Report, 2007

Monday, May 9, 2011

Why we need to eat Indian Mustard Plant

Heal yourself with Indian mustard plant
This doesn’t look edible, let alone medicinal: thin, pointed leaves with a flavour like rocket fuel, and a crop of straggly yellow
Yet an extract made from the Indian Mustard plant is being hailed as the most important food supplement of the future.
Indian Mustard, or brassica juncea, is a little-known member of the broccoli family. It is a favourite ingredient with Eastern
cooks, lending a fiery punch to stir fries and salads, and is living proof that eating your greens is good for you.
For centuries, peasants in rural India used the plant to add flavour to rice dishes. They called it the ‘plant of long life’, claiming
it had powerful healing properties.
Recent research into Indian Mustard’s ancient medicinal claims has provided scientists with two remarkable findings.
First, the plant contains a powerful cocktail of anti-cancer ingredients, including vitamins, antioxidants and minerals with three
times more calcium, potassium and iron than is found in ordinary green-leafed vegetables.
Second, it has a unique ability to absorb metals and minerals from the earth it grows in. Taking this into account, Russian
agronomists have planted it around the site of the Chernobyl reactor to de-contaminate the ground from dangerous levels of
lead and uranium.
Nicknamed ‘Nature’s magnet’, it is now being grown by scientists to help boost our intake of metals and minerals often lacking
in our Western diet.
Using state-of-the-art bio-technology, the Indian Mustard plants are being grown hydroponically, in water infused with
nutrients. In the Natrahealth pharmaceutical laboratory, they are also being drip-fed with carefully measured amounts of the
mineral selenium, which is vital for human health.
The plants absorb the mineral, storing it in their stalks and leaves ready for harvesting and drying. Minerals are difficult for the
body to absorb because they sometimes bind with other molecules that the body cannot break down.
Plants naturally convert minerals into phytominerals, a bioavailable form which the body can easily use.
Selenium is an essential trace element which is found in grains and cereals, fish, poultry, meat and Brazil nuts. It is important
for regulating thyroid function and the metabolism, as well as protecting against heart disease and cancer – and, as a nation,
we are lacking in it.
Modern farming methods, acid rain and the use of pesticides have depleted the amount of naturally occurring selenium in the
soil, and doctors and nutritionists are concerned that between 1996 and 1998, the average intake of selenium in the standard
British diet fell by more than 50 per cent.
In some countries, where levels are low, the deficiency has led to an increase in arthritis and heart problems. In Finland, the
entire country receives extra selenium through mandatory fertilisation of crops with Selenate, which contains selenium.
A recent report in the Journal of Medicinal Food has examined the potential of using Indian Mustard to provide us with extra
It revealed that a small daily dose of the dried plant was enough to provide us with the recommended daily intake of 50-
Heal yourself with Indian mustard plant | Mail Online Page 1 of 3… 5/2/2011
It also reported that Indian Mustard contains important carotenes, including lutein and zeaxanthin, which boost the immune
system and can help to improve eyesight.
Research Scientist Dr Burt Ensley, who conducted the research into Indian Mustard in America, has also discovered that the
growth of breast cancer cells can be slowed down when injected with Brassica extract.
Now the committee on Diet, Nutrition and Cancer at the National Academy of Science says that a diet containing just 10 gm of
these foods a day cuts the risk of cancer by 8 per cent.
Sadly, you probably won’t find Indian Mustard leaves on your super-market shelves. However, varieties such as Red Giant,
which has redtinted leaves, or Green In The Snow, which is particularly fiery, can be found in ethnic shops and street markets.

Real Food Technology Solutions! Why it is the new buzzword around the world

Mannatech Review: Now What? The buzzword is Real Food Technology Solutions. Regardless of the name, when the scientists at Mannatech discovered the molecule in the Aloe Vera plant that gives that plant such a rich history of promoting wellness it was just the beginning of a whole cascade of interesting events. They not only found a way to stabilize that molecule for the first time in history and file patents, they soon realized they had a tiger by the tail.
In the animal world it’s said that the larger the animal the longer the gestation period. For humans that is a nine month period and for elephants it’s about eighteen months. For Mannatech to give birth to its technology it has taken years, and maybe that’s because of the significance of the discovery. It’s BIG
They have had their share of obstacles and at times the frustration has been intense. The reason is best understood in a Mannatech review of the process of proving its premise. The premise is: the ingestion of plant saccharides like Mannose, fucose and others has an effect on the body especially in the area of the immune system, brain function, memory, and digestion.

Crazy Like A Fox
What made this a little crazy and unbelievable to the general scientific community; not to mention the public; is the fact that we’re talking about plant sugars. This was a departure from previous understanding of the role sugars played in the body. They don’t all do what you think they do. Mannatech was on the cutting edge of breakthrough technology pioneering uncharted territory and had a lot of work ahead of it.
It’s hard to prove this stuff. It takes time to back up your hypothesis with clinical studies that are acceptable to the scientific community. These studies take time, sometimes years. In the meantime every Tom, Dick and Harry who feels threatened by the prospects of a company having PATENTS on this breakthrough technology, wants to disprove, destroy, or otherwise discredit the idea. Those types came at Mannatech with a vengeance.
To make matters worse; at least for the detractors; but better for Mannatech, not only did Mannatech have the first patent on the stabilized component of the Aloe Vera plant but they noticed there were 7 other plant saccharides that also had a beneficial and often crucial effect on wellness and they had the brilliant idea of patenting a compound of these plant saccharides as well. They called it Ambrotose and that was in 1996.
This understanding of how plant saccharides effect the body has spawned a new scientific field of study called Glycobiology and substances like Ambrotose are referred to as Glyconutgrients. Now Universities around the world are studying the effects of these saccharides on health and wellness.
The review of Mannatechs work shows that university studies prove the ingestion of these sugars via diet does have a positive, beneficial effect in the body. These sugars DO get into the body and do their work, they are necessary, diet does matter, and you don’t get them in our modern diet in necessary amounts.
The Review Concludes
In September of 2009 at the 9th Annual Jenner Glycobiology and Medicine Symposium held in Brussels, two presentations on Ambrotose were made to over 100 of the worlds leading researchers in glycobiology and medicine.
This is no small feat given the fact that just 3 years prior the negative publicity was huge. What does all this mean? It means that when BIG discoveries are made people in the field, people like you and me, often feel or notice the benefit immediately, but the scientific evidence takes time to catch up. The medical community is even further behind the science community.
A Mannatech’s Review shows that the company has certainly turned the important corner of scientific proof and validation. What was once a theory is now a proven reality! They are beginning to understand how and why these things work.
This will have a huge impact on wellness as the medical community learns about these products, recognizes them as beneficial in helping maintain health and wellness in a truly integrative approach to wellness. Today this Real Food Technology Solutions is being used and benefiting people around the world.
It is evident that it’s a new day at Mannatech and the best is still ahead. They are now employing their cutting edge technology to address the problem of undernurishment and malnurishment in children around the world thru a unique donation thru consumption program.
Please let me know if this information was helpful to you. I invite you to follow my blog  and share your thoughts and opinions and comments below. This is always important to me but more, it may be important to other readers. Thank for spending some time here.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Higher amounts of added sugars increase heart disease risk factors!!!

Higher amounts of added sugars increase heart disease risk factors

April 20, 2010
− Released by Emory University ( web | news )
ATLANTA – Added sugars in processed foods and beverages may increase cardiovascular disease risk factors, according to a study by Emory University researchers.
The study, published in the April 20, 2010, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), analyzed U.S. government nutritional data and blood lipid levels in more than 6,000 adult men and women between 1999 and 2006. The study subjects were divided into five groups according to the amount of added sugar and caloric sweeteners they consumed daily.
Researchers found that people who consumed more added sugar were more likely to have higher cardiovascular disease risk factors, including higher triglyceride levels and higher ratios of triglycerides to HDL-C, or good cholesterol.
"Just like eating a high-fat diet can increase your levels of triglycerides and high cholesterol, eating sugar can also affect those same lipids," says study co-author Miriam Vos, MD, MSPH, assistant professor of pediatrics, Emory School of Medicine.
In the United States, total consumption of sugar has increased substantially in recent decades, largely due to an increased intake of 'added sugars,' defined as caloric sweeteners used by the food industry and consumers as ingredients in processed or prepared foods to increase the desirability of these foods," Vos and colleagues note.
In the JAMA study, the highest-consuming group consumed an average of 46 teaspoons of added sugars per day. The lowest-consuming group consumed an average of only about 3 teaspoons daily.
"It would be important for long-term health for people to start looking at how much added sugar they're getting and finding ways to reduce that," says Vos.
The study, "Caloric Sweetener Consumption and Dyslipidemia Among U.S. Adults," was published in the April 20, 2010, issue of JAMA. It is the first study of its kind to examine the association between the consumption of added sugars and lipid measures, such as HDL-C, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). The study did not look at natural sugars found in fruit and fruit juices, only added sugars and caloric sweeteners.

The study is available online at
The Robert W. Woodruff Health Sciences Center of Emory University is an academic health science and service center focused on missions of teaching, research, health care and public service. Its components include the Emory University School of Medicine, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, and Rollins School of Public Health; Yerkes National Primate Research Center; Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University; and Emory Healthcare, the largest, most comprehensive health system in Georgia. Emory Healthcare includes: The Emory Clinic, Emory-Children's Center, Emory University Hospital, Emory University Hospital Midtown, Wesley Woods Center, and Emory University Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital. The Woodruff Health Sciences Center has $2.3 billion in operating expenses, 18,000 employees, 2,500 full-time and 1,500 affiliated faculty, 4,500 students and trainees, and a $5.7 billion economic impact on metro Atlanta. Learn more about Emory's health sciences: - @emoryhealthsci (Twitter) -

Monday, April 4, 2011

Empathy as Part of Integrative Health Dr. Erika D. Nelson

An integrative approach to health focuses on the goal of treating the mind, body and spirit all at the same time. In addition to conventional Western medicine, alternative or complementary therapies can play significant roles in maintaining health. These include everything from herbal remedies, acupuncture and massage to fitness, meditation and yoga. Scientific research is now investigating another important aspect of integrative health that centers on developing a more meaningful relationship between the patient and their practitioner.
I recently attended a presentation at the Scripps Natural Supplements conference given by Dr. David Rakel, M.D., Associate Professor and Medical Director of the University of Wisconsin Integrative Medicine Program. During his talk entitled “The Clinician as Intervention: Lessons for the Dietary Supplement Prescriber,” Dr. Rakel shared data from two recently published studies on treating the common cold, one looking at the effectiveness of Echinacea and the other the effectiveness of practitioner empathy.1,2 In the first study, treating patients with self-reported colds with the widely used remedy Echinacea resulted in a shorter duration of one-half day and a 10% reduction in overall severity compared to placebo (neither improvement was significant; p>0.05).1
CARE-ing Versus Standard Care
In the second study, patients with self-reported colds were randomized to either a “standard” practitioner-patient interaction, consisting of the basics such as relevant past medical history, a focused physical exam and diagnosis, or an “enhanced” practitioner-patient interaction in which physicians interacted according to the PEECE method: (P) Positive prognosis, (E) Empathy, (E) Empowerment, (C) Connection and (E) Education. Patients were then asked to assess their clinical encounter by filling out the Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) questionnaire.2 The CARE questionnaire assesses ten areas of consultation, whether the clinician(s):
  1. Made them feel at ease
  2. Allowed them to “tell their story”
  3. Really listened
  4. Were interested in them as a whole person
  5. Fully understood their concerns
  6. Showed care and compassion
  7. Were positive
  8. Explained things clearly
  9. Helped them take control
  10. Helped create a plan of action
In this second study, the changes in cold severity and duration were not significantly different between the “standard” and “enhanced” interaction groups. However, patients who rated their clinical encounters with perfect CARE scores experienced a significant reduction in cold duration, by almost a full day, and a trend toward improved severity (16%) when compared to those who rated their encounters with less than perfect CARE scores. Together, the two studies suggest that when a patient with a cold experiences a truly empathetic interaction with their physician, their health tends to improve as much and perhaps more than if they were being treated with a well-known cold remedy.

A Spoonful of Empathy

While Dr. Rakel was speaking to an audience of primarily physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals, I felt that the points he was making could be applicable for anyone interested in improving the health of others through an integrative approach. For me, the take-home message was this: the manner in which I introduce a dietary supplement to another person is extremely important. If I take the time to compassionately listen to and connect with the other person, keep a positive attitude and help that individual take control over his or her own health, the chance of that person having a beneficial experience can increase.
Maybe this isn’t a novel concept to you, but I was thrilled to learn about new, well-controlled scientific research supporting such a simple and cost-effective (read: FREE!) approach to integrative health. Here’s hoping that my next prescription reads, “Take two doses of empathy and call me in the morning!”
1B. Barrett et al., Echinacea for treating the common cold. Ann Intern Med. 2010; 153:769–777.
2D.P. Rakel et al., Practitioner empathy and the duration of the common cold. Fam Med. 2009; 41(7):494–501.
Dr. Nelson is a Research Scientist at Mannatech, Incorporated.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Nutritional Supplements and Athletic Performance

Nutritional Supplements and Athletic Performance

Dr. Stephen Boyd
In a departure from statements made in the past, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) now agrees that nutritional supplements can boost athletic performance. In the IOC Consensus Statement on Sports Nutrition 2010 issued from its head office in Lausanne, Switzerland, on October 27, 2010, the organization concedes that some supplements may enhance performance for some athletes. In the past, the IOC had warned athletes against using nutritional supplements.
While the statement did not comment on specific products, it did say, “..supplements that provide essential nutrients may be a short-term option when food intake or food choices are restricted due to travel or other factors” and that they should be “used in accordance with current evidence under the guidance of a well-informed professional.” The statement went on to say, “Athletes contemplating the use of supplements and sports foods should consider their efficacy, their cost, the risk to health and performance, and the potential for a positive doping test.” Of course, the Olympic Committee correctly was not suggesting that supplements replace a nutritious diet. The statement began by saying, “Diet significantly influences athletic performance. All athletes should adopt specific nutritional strategies before, during and after training and competition to maximize their mental and physical performance.”

Recommendations with More in Common?

What is interesting is that it would appear that the IOC is moving ever so slightly toward the recommendations of the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) with respect to achieving optimal wellness. The three pillars of wellness according to the CRN are diet, appropriate supplementation and exercise. It goes without saying that optimal physical and athletic performance is related to optimal wellness, which in turn, is related to optimal nutritional intake. I would suggest that the “other factors” mentioned above in the IOC statement in support of appropriate supplementation include poor food choices, something that studies have shown to be prevalent in the majority of the population.
Other issues raised in the IOC statement are the possible risks involved in taking supplements. These include health and doping test risks. The statement also emphasizes that supplements should be used in accordance with current evidence. These issues raise important topics for discussion. How do you decide which supplements to choose based on concerns for safety and evidence of effectiveness? These issues are in fact investigated if nutritional supplements are studied in human clinical trials that follow current Good Clinical Practice (cGCP) guidelines. In following cGCP guidelines, clinical researchers must not only measure a product’s effectiveness, they must also investigate and document the product’s safety.
Athletes are ultimately responsible for any consequences associated with the supplements they choose in terms of regulations. The best first step they can take is to make sure the supplements they choose are not formulated to contain any substances banned by anti-doping agencies. Nutritional products that are formulated in this fashion are generally safe for use without fear of failing any sport doping test.
Mannatech’s clinical research program follows current Good Clinical Practices (cGCP) guidelines for documenting both product effectiveness and safety for general use. This is in keeping with Mannatech’s stated policy of using science to develop safe, natural and innovative dietary supplements. For more details, go to the website
Stephen Boyd, BS, MD, PhD, FRSM, is Senior Director of Medical Affairs for Mannatech, Incorporated.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Probiotic Research

Increase in Probiotic Research

Nutrition researchers have been paying attention, investigating a means to modulate GI tract function and support health. Probiotic research has recently become a hot topic, as can be seen in this chart showing an overview of studies published over the past five decades.
Mannatech has been in the forefront of developing supplements that support GI tract health.  Ambrotose® complex, launched in 1996, was a prebiotic supplement ahead of its time.* Both Ambrotose complex and Advanced Ambrotose® powder have been shown, in in vitro studies using human colonic bacteria, to exert positive prebiotic effects.*(7,8) GI-ProBalance™ slimsticks were formulated to work together to enhance the effectiveness of Ambrotose products.*
Jane Ramberg is the Director of Product Science for Mannatech, Incorporated.
Note: Probiotics are bacteria, taken orally, that are designed to colonize and support the health of the GI tract.
Prebiotics are oligosaccharides and polysaccharides that support the growth of healthy bacteria in the GI tract.
Reference List
1.   Simpson S, Ash C, Pennisi E, Travis J. The inner tube of life. The gut: inside out. Science 2005;307:1895–925.
2.   Qin J, Li R, Raes J, et al. A human gut microbial gene catalogue established by metagenomic sequencing. Nature 2010;464:59–65.
3.   Xu J, Gordon JI. Honor thy symbionts. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 2003;100:10452–9.
4.   Dethlefsen L, Huse S, Sogin ML, Relman DA. The pervasive effects of an antibiotic on the human gut microbiota, as revealed by deep 16S rRNA sequencing. PLoS Biol 2008;6:e280.
5.   Turnbaugh PJ, Hamady M, Yatsunenko T, et al. A core gut microbiome in obese and lean twins. Nature 2008.
6.   Larsen N, Vogensen FK, van den Berg FW, et al. Gut Microbiota in Human Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Differs from Non-Diabetic Adults. PLoS ONE 2010;5:e9085.
7.   Sinnott RA, Ramberg J, Kirchner JM, et al. Utilization of arabinogalactan, aloe vera gel polysaccharides, and a mixed saccharide dietary supplement by human colonic bacteria in vitro. Int J Probiotics Prebiotics 2007;2:97–104.
8.   Marzorati M, Verhelst A, Luta G, et al. In vitro modulation of the human gastrointestinal microbial community by plant-derived polysaccharide-rich dietary supplements. Int J Food Microbiol 2010;139:168–76.
* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Gastrointestinal Research Is Becoming More than a Gut Feeling by Jane Ramberg

I have a gut feeling …
… that many of us underestimate the important role our gastrointestinal tract plays in our overall health. If you have been following the literature, however, you will have noticed an explosion of scientific interest in this area—research made possible with the development of creative tools that can explore the inhospitable territory of our gut, our “inner tube of life.” (1) Much of this research has focused on the 1,000 trillion microorganisms (primarily bacteria) that live there. Dubbed the “dark matter of life” by the renowned scientist E.O. Wilson, these microorganisms outnumber the cells of our bodies 10:1 and, as a group, their genes outnumber ours 100:1.(2) They have been tough to study because they thrive in an environment that defies replication in the laboratory. So, scientists have resorted to genetic techniques to obtain their population “fingerprints.”
The emerging science is uncovering the exquisitely complex symbiotic (mutually beneficial) relationship that we share with these microorganisms.(1,3) The benefit for them, of course, is a nice, warm, safe place to live! And what do we gain? We’re learning that these gut bacteria do a lot more than their long-acknowledged tasks of breaking down complex molecules that human enzymes can’t digest and producing biotin and vitamin K. Their functions are much more sophisticated: producing hormones that direct fat storage; regulating intestinal physiology, development and function; “training” the immune system, and preventing the growth of harmful, pathogenic bacteria. We’ve also learned that gut microbial ecosystems can be perturbed by antibiotics,(4) associated with changes in body weight(5) and correlated with blood glucose levels.(6)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Innovation—Real Food Technology® Solutions

A key to the ultimate success of social entrepreneurship is the creation of an innovative new technology for solving an existing global problem. As the lack of proper nutrition has become epidemic in both industrialized and developing countries, the supplementation of essential nutrients has become a critical strategy for protecting health.
Until recently, synthetically made vitamins and inorganic minerals have provided the only source for standardized levels of these essential nutrients. Synthetic vitamins are made from coal tar or petroleum; and due to their low cost they are the primary choice of manufacturers of both nutritional supplements and enriched foods. Inorganic minerals, either mined or by-products of a chemical process, also provide an inexpensive source for supplementation, but do not have the solubility of minerals found in food.
Fruits and vegetables make vitamins in their tissues and then bond them to various minerals, fats, polysaccharides, amino acids and other vital Phytochemicals to create what is called a food matrix. Minerals become more soluble in food and this matrix of nutrients provides the co-factors required by the body for the proper absorption and utilization of all essential nutrients. It has become clear that the human body was designed to obtain its nutritional requirements from food.
As a result, food based health products, such as “super” juices, have proliferated the market in recent years. On the surface they look like a good alternative to synthetically made supplements. Unfortunately, when scientifically analyzed, super juices have been shown to contain less than one percent of the recommended daily requirement of the most vitamins and minerals. This has left consumers the poor choice of standardized but synthetically made supplements, or non-standardized and nutritionally deficient food-based supplements. Major relief organizations around the world have had almost no alternative to inexpensive synthetic supplements or synthetically enriched grain-based cereals.
A Healthy Dose of Reality
Mannatech, Incorporated, the pioneers of Real Food Technology® Solutions has now developed a preferable new option to this challenge.
In 2007 Mannatech filed international patents on the nutrition industry’s first supplement to provide standardized and nutritionally effective levels of natural and plant-sourced vitamins, minerals and Phytochemicals, called PhytoMatrix®. To address the needs of the world’s most vulnerable children, Mannatech utilized this same patented technology to specially formulate PhytoBlend™ powder, a product made available exclusively to not-for-profit organizations fighting malnutrition in developing countries around the world.

Fruits/Veggies not as vitamin-rich as in the past, says new data

Fruits, Veggies Not as Vitamin-Rich as in Past, Says New Data

Larger Fruits and Vegetables Mean More Plentiful but Less Potent Bounty

By MEGAN CARPENTER March 1, 2006 — Fruits and veggies aren't what they used to be, new data suggests.
Of the 13 major nutrients found in fruits and vegetables, six have declined substantially, according to a study by Donald Davis, a biochemist at the University of Texas at Austin.
Using data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Davis concludes that recently grown crops have shown decreases of up to 38 percent in protein, calcium, vitamin C, phosphorous, iron and riboflavin when compared with produce from past decades.
What accounts for this negative trend? Like any other competitive industry, farmers' attempts to drive up profits have led them to use new techniques to increase production, Davis said. The faster-grown fruits don't have as much time to develop the nutrients.
"Farmers get paid by the weight of a crop, not by the amount of nutrients," Davis said. He called this the "dilution effect": As fruits and vegetables grown in the United States become larger and more plentiful, they provide fewer vitamins and minerals.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Your Cholesterol Can Be Lowered with Plant Sterols
Lowering cholesterol with plant sterols - Plant sterols are found naturally at low levels in everyday foods such as vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, grain products, fruits and vegetables, but it’s challenging to consume them in high enough quantities to see an impact on their cholesterol levels.

Omega-3 may reduce risk of dental disease: Study

Omega-3 may reduce risk of dental disease: Study

By Stephen Daniells, 28-Jan-2010

Increased levels of omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) may decrease the risk of dental diseases, suggests a new study from Japan.

The average number of dental disease events was 1.5 times higher in people with low DHA levels, compared to those with the highest average levels of DHA, according to findings published in Nutrition.
In addition to being a major risk factor for tooth loss, periodontal disease has also been implicated as a risk factor for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD). Since the condition may contribute to the overall inflammatory burden of an individual there are reports that this may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The heart health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are well-documented, being first reported in the early 1970s by Jorn Dyerberg and his co-workers in The Lancet and The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. To date, the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have been linked to improvements in blood lipid levels, a reduced tendency of thrombosis, blood pressure and heart rate improvements, and improved vascular function.
However, links to dental health are not well documented.
“To our knowledge, this is the first longitudinal study of the relation between periodontal conditions and dietary omega-3 fatty acids intake in older people,” wrote the researchers, led by Masanori Iwasaki from Niigata University.
Study details
The Japanese researchers recruited 55 people with an average age of 74 and calculated dietary intakes of omega-3. The average dietary intakes of EPA and DHA were 947.1 and 635.2 milligrams, respectively, said the researchers.

Omega-3 may reduce risk of Alzheimer's: Rat study

Omega-3 may reduce risk of Alzheimer’s: Rat study

By Stephen Daniells, 01-Feb-2010

The omega-3 compound ethyl-eicosapentaenoic acid (E-EPA) may improve memory and learning, and reduce the risk of Alzheimer´s disease, says a new study.

Researchers from Canada and Thailand report that, while levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine decrease with age, E-EPA may slow this decline, according to findings published in the Journal of Neurochemistry.
“This study, for the first time, reported […] a clear correlation between the decrease in acetylcholine release and memory deficit, [and] E-EPA improves memory by attenuating the reduction of acetylcholine release and nerve growth factor expression,” wrote Pornnarin Taepavarapruk from Naresuan University, Thailand and Cai Song from the University of Prince Edwards Island, Canada.
Omega-3 and brain health
The link between omega-3 and cognitive function is not new, with various studies reporting somewhat conflicting results for the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
Some of the more promising data has been reported for DHA, with memory function improvements found for healthy older adults with a decline in cognitive function that occurs naturally with age. Such decline is known to precede diseases such as Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia and currently affects over 13 million people worldwide.
However, according to data presented at the Alzheimer's Association 2009 International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease (ICAD 2009) in Vienna last year, DHA supplements may not benefit people already suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"All that Mankind needs for good health..."

Paracelsus, Father of Pharmacology stated:
     "All that mankingd needs for good provided by God in nature...the challenge to science is to find it"

Health Promoting Phytonutrients So, as summer begins, I encourage you to take advantage of the abundance of fruits and vegetables available to you this time of year and include as many of these phytonutrients-rich foods as possible in your Healthiest Way of Eating.

One of the best ways to positively impact gene expression is choosing foods rich in health-promoting phytonutrients which are nutrients found in plant based foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
And why do plants expend so much of their vital energies creating all these protective compounds? As Sesame Street's Kermit so aptly noted, "It's not easy being green!" Plants need protection from pests, excessive heat, UV exposure, dryness, flooding, hail, snow, sleet, ice.
Phytonutrients provide it.
So, as we move closer to our season of plenty  of sunshine, warm weather, I encourage you to take advantage of planting your own gardens and enjoy the abundance of fruits and vegetables available to you as this time of year approaches and be sure to include as many of these phytonutrients-rich foods as possible in your Healthiest Way of Eating.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Organic Produce protect themselves by producing phytochemicals

A different story is playing out with organic produce. "By avoiding synthetic fertilizers, organic farmers put more stress on plants, and when plants experience stress, they protect themselves by producing phytochemicals," explains Alyson Mitchell, PhD, a professor of nutrition science at the University of California, Davis. Her 10-year study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that organic tomatoes can have as much as 30 percent more phytochemicals than conventional ones.

Unlike prematurely picked supermarket produce, which typically travels hundreds of miles before landing on store shelves, a farmers' market or pick-your-own venue offers local, freshly harvested, in-season fare that's had a chance to ripen naturally—a process that amplifies its amount of phytonutrients, "As a crop gets closer to full ripeness, it converts its phytonutrients to the most readily absorbable forms, so you'll get a higher concentration of healthful compounds." 

Nutritional value of fruits, veggies is dwindling Chemicals that speed growth may impair ability to absorb soil's nutrient

While we've been dutifully eating our fruits and vegetables all these years, a strange thing has been happening to our produce. It's losing its nutrients. That's right: Today's conventionally grown produce isn't as healthful as it was 30 years ago — and it's only getting worse. The decline in fruits and vegetables was first reported more than 10 years ago by English researcher Anne-Marie Mayer, PhD, who looked at the dwindling mineral concentrations of 20 UK-based crops from the 1930s to the 1980s.
It's happening to crops in the United States, too. In 2004, Donald Davis, PhD, a former researcher with the Biochemical Institute at the University of Texas, Austin, led a team that analyzed 43 fruits and vegetables from 1950 to 1999 and reported reductions in vitamins, minerals, and protein. Using USDA data, he found that broccoli, for example, had 130 mg of calcium in 1950. Today, that number is only 48 mg. What's going on? Davis believes it's due to the farming industry's desire to grow bigger vegetables faster. The very things that speed growth — selective breeding and synthetic fertilizers — decrease produce's ability to synthesize nutrients or absorb them from the soil.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Western Diet, Western Diseases??? Is there a correlation

     Our modern Western Diet is not working too well.  In Michael Pollans book, "Food Rules" "an eaters manual, he states that "virtually all of the obesity and type 2 diabetes, 80% of the cardiovascular diseases and cancer can be linked to this diet.  Four of the top 10 killers in America are chronic diseases linked to this diet, and that the arguments in nutritional science are not about this well established link.  He also states that people who get off the Western Diet see dramatic improvements in their health."  Why then do we not see more people shifting to seeking the truth about what needs to be done to have good health and the best nutrition possible for a future and a good quality of life.
     It's about moving toward real food that actually is food and not food like substances.  The choice is always ours as to what we want to learn about whats real and whats sort of like real food.  More and more of us are moving toward the preventive measures and we know that the demand is getting greater and greater as the truth is coming out for those who are willing to get real and get with what actually works to support Optimal Health, not just being alive hoping to have good health all of our lives.  We can't gamble on it, hoping we will win, we have to take this serious, get the facts, educate ourselves in Diet Wellness and create a lifestyle of making real healthy choices for our life, our health, our finances and our future. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Campaign for Wellness and Create a Lean & Healthy Body for the rest of your Life

Learn how to have a Lean & Healthy Body.  With the Wellness Industry predicted to be the Next Trillion Dollar Industry, some of us have stepped up to the front line of this battle to educate people in Diet Wellness which targets educating in several areas including Diet, Lifestyle and the need for high Quality Supplementation. And since 90% of our food is processed and because deficienciecies tend to rob us of basic nutrients we all need to re-learn how to have that Lean & Healthy Body.  It all works together and sometimes we all just need a little coaching to learn how and what makes this a simple way to get what we really want in our lives. That is what I personally needed to do and the changes I made were so life changing that I know that anyone can so this and also achieve the freedom to choose and to have a Lean & Healthy Body for the rest of Your Life. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

96% worried about health and finances. Who is ready to change that to......

According to a Louis Harris Poll that 96% of the people who lay awake at night are worried about Health AND Finances.
     How many of those people are really ready, willing and able to make the changes we need to make to seek Wellness Solutions and  head towards Financial Independence.  Change, Choice, Personal Responsibility, Independence, and Action will create solutions.   Instead of feeding the disease process and the economic downturn, lets seek reliable effective solutions to those problems rather than being victim to them. 
     Who's ready to take the first baby step toward making this happen and reduce health care costs by getting healthy, and increasing personal and business income to change lives and ultimately change the world.  We say Change your Life, Change the World.  We can do this!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why not go back to nature for our nutrition???

Did you ever wonder why we moved so far away from the real food  nature provided.  90% of our food is processed and what most people can call food like substances.  We need Real Food and we need it now.  Lets go back to what actually gives us the nutrition we need to support our bodies to be healthy.  God intended for us to eat food in it's most natural state so why don't we do what we need to do?  Lets discuss the reasons why this has gone so far the other way, if you will.  

High Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury as reported in HealthyDay News

Study Finds High-Fructose Corn Syrup Contains Mercury
Wednesday, January 28, 2009; 12:00 AM
MONDAY, Jan. 26 (HealthDay News) -- Almost half of tested samples of commercial high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contained mercury, which was also found in nearly a third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first- or second-highest labeled ingredient, according to two new U.S. studies.
HFCS has replaced sugar as the sweetener in many beverages and foods such as breads, cereals, breakfast bars, lunch meats, yogurts, soups and condiments. On average, Americans consume about 12 teaspoons per day of HFCS, but teens and other high consumers can take in 80 percent more HFCS than average.

Lemons: Stronger than Chemotherapy

CLICK HERE : Lemons: Stronger than CHEMOTHERAPY. by Sankofa House of Light Healing Center on Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 7:33am    Subject: Lemons: Stronger than CHEMOTHERAPY  Date: Thursday, December 2, 2010, 2:22 PM        Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells.  It is  10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy.   Why do we not know about that?     Because there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic  version that will bring them huge profits.You can now help a friend in need by letting him know  that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the disease.  Its taste is pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of chemotherapy.     If you can, plant a lemon tree in your garden or patio.  How many people die while this is a closely guarded secret so as not to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires large corporations?                      As you know, the lemon tree does not occupy much space and is known for its varieties of lemons and limes.  You can eat the fruit in different ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare drinks, sorbets, pastries, ...The lemon is credited with many virtues, but the most interesting is the effect it produces on cysts and tumors.  This plant is a proven remedy against cancers of all types. Some say it is very useful in all variants of cancer.  It is  considered also as an anti microbial spectrum against bacterial infections and fungi, effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure that is too high and is an antidepressant, combats stress and nervous disorders.                      The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one of  the largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that:  It destroys the malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including  colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ...The compounds of this tree actually showed 10,000 times better than the product  Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world,  slowing the growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of therapy with lemon extract not only destroys  malignant cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Organic" principles

Organically grown produce is supposed to be grown on a farm that treats in soil in which it is grown by "organic" principles - no use of commercial fertilizers and special attention to the quality of the soil.
This attention to the quality of the soil produces stronger plants. In the amazing world of farming the "pests" attack the plants grown in poor soil because it perceives them as weak and deficient. In an organic farm the pests don't tend to attack the plants because the plants are strong.
Isn't nature interesting?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Genetic Key Diet for successful fat loss

The Genetic Key Diet is not a low carbohydrate diet.  It is understanding how carbohydrates work in our bodies depending on our genetic type.  It is the Key to Unlock a Lean and Healthy Body.  Have you ever heard what and how a "thrifty gene" can affect weight gain and why and how high glycemic foods can trigger it? 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Low Glycemic Guide

Did you know the difference between good carbohydrates and bad ones???
High Glycemic Foods that raise your blood sugar can also suppress your immune system.